Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion Questions on Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discussion Questions on Ethics - Assignment Example This is the case as witnessed in many of the societies. It is due to this that it is important for the people around us to offer nurturing and support. This support is important for the development of the mind and other natural characteristics. Advice is that nurturing takes place at a young age. This is for the best results in the character of the kid as he matures. Question 2 It is the duty of all human beings to show care and concern for others. This is due to the fact that the kind of help and assistance offered to others is the same one reciprocated to us. This is also for the assurance of an environment conducive enough for their thriving. When showing the care and concern, its direction is to anybody that requires it. This should not only go to the people that we are related to. The reason as to why we do this is for the achievement of proper coexistence of people who can rely on each other in times of need having the fact that human beings are interdependent. Human character receives judgment from the deeds that they carry out. It is from this that the natural behavior observed and categorized. There are the various people who do not show any care or concern for their fellow human beings. This is taken to be very unjust and is naturally treated with a lot of reckoning from the society. However, for the people that act up and offer the kind of support needed not only to their families but also to the people around them, they rewarded in many ways. Question 3 When people claim that murder is wrong, they just believe that it is wrong and do not necessarily believe in what they say. They believe it is wrong arising from the many ethics and related studies offered in life. Few people acknowledge that murder is wrong due to knowledge. This is because the education offered to people directs them to knowing the notion against the idea of murder. It is important to recognize the fact that people carry out activities from the experience that they have getting gui dance and majorly not out of their own mentality. Human beings possess this natural characteristic. Question 4 To qualify people as immortal, they must possess very indifferent human characteristics. The people I have in mind died a short while ago and their deaths took me by surprise. This is due to the characteristics that they possessed. An example of the characteristic is that very few times did the fall ill and even never visit the hospital even once. However, after their diagnosis of sickness, they died rather fast and this came as a shocker to many. Question 5 It is not morally permissible to use the human and animal DNA in the manner in which it is done. This is due to the fact that it defies all codes of character that are majorly against the alteration of human and any other beings. This is also against the bible that strongly preaches against these acts. The bible is the source of people’s judgment of morality and hence the manipulation of the human genes for creat ion of hybrids is ethically wrong. 1) For Plato, what kind of ability is necessary for one to entertain higher-level concepts or moral ideas? Like the rest of the early philosophers, Plato upholds a virtue-based eudaemonistic ethics. That is to mean, human well-fare, is regarded as the highest endeavor of moral thought and behavior; the qualities are the necessary skills and traits. If

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